Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
BookInLineID | query | string | No | |
BookInLineIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
BookInLineIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
BookInLineIDContains | query | string | No | |
BookInLineIDLike | query | string | No | |
BookInLineIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
BookInLineIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
BookInID | query | string | No | |
BookInIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
BookInIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
BookInIDContains | query | string | No | |
BookInIDLike | query | string | No | |
BookInIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
BookInIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
PartNo | query | string | No | |
PartNoStartsWith | query | string | No | |
PartNoEndsWith | query | string | No | |
PartNoContains | query | string | No | |
PartNoLike | query | string | No | |
PartNoBetween | query | string[] | No | |
PartNoIn | query | string[] | No | |
InventoryID | query | string | No | |
InventoryIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
InventoryIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
InventoryIDContains | query | string | No | |
InventoryIDLike | query | string | No | |
InventoryIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
InventoryIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
Quantity | query | decimal? | No | |
QuantityGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
QuantityGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
QuantityLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
QuantityLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
QuantityNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
QuantityBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
QuantityIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
ShipmentLineID | query | string | No | |
ShipmentLineIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
ShipmentLineIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
ShipmentLineIDContains | query | string | No | |
ShipmentLineIDLike | query | string | No | |
ShipmentLineIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
ShipmentLineIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
UseSerialNo | query | bool? | No | |
UseExpiry | query | bool? | No | |
DecimalPlaces | query | short? | No | |
DecimalPlacesGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | short? | No | |
DecimalPlacesGreaterThan | query | short? | No | |
DecimalPlacesLessThan | query | short? | No | |
DecimalPlacesLessThanOrEqualTo | query | short? | No | |
DecimalPlacesNotEqualTo | query | short? | No | |
DecimalPlacesBetween | query | Nullable<Int16>[] | No | |
DecimalPlacesIn | query | Nullable<Int16>[] | No | |
POClassID | query | string | No | |
POClassIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
POClassIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
POClassIDContains | query | string | No | |
POClassIDLike | query | string | No | |
POClassIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
POClassIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
DeliveryDays | query | short? | No | |
DeliveryDaysGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | short? | No | |
DeliveryDaysGreaterThan | query | short? | No | |
DeliveryDaysLessThan | query | short? | No | |
DeliveryDaysLessThanOrEqualTo | query | short? | No | |
DeliveryDaysNotEqualTo | query | short? | No | |
DeliveryDaysBetween | query | Nullable<Int16>[] | No | |
DeliveryDaysIn | query | Nullable<Int16>[] | No | |
Description | query | string | No | |
DescriptionStartsWith | query | string | No | |
DescriptionEndsWith | query | string | No | |
DescriptionContains | query | string | No | |
DescriptionLike | query | string | No | |
DescriptionBetween | query | string[] | No | |
DescriptionIn | query | string[] | No | |
OrderUnits | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderUnitsGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderUnitsGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderUnitsLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderUnitsLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderUnitsNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderUnitsBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
OrderUnitsIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
ClassificationID | query | string | No | |
ClassificationIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
ClassificationIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
ClassificationIDContains | query | string | No | |
ClassificationIDLike | query | string | No | |
ClassificationIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
ClassificationIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
SupplierPartNo | query | string | No | |
SupplierPartNoStartsWith | query | string | No | |
SupplierPartNoEndsWith | query | string | No | |
SupplierPartNoContains | query | string | No | |
SupplierPartNoLike | query | string | No | |
SupplierPartNoBetween | query | string[] | No | |
SupplierPartNoIn | query | string[] | No | |
OrderedCost | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderedCostGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderedCostGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderedCostLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderedCostLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderedCostNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
OrderedCostBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
OrderedCostIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
GSTRate | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTRateGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTRateGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTRateLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTRateLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTRateNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTRateBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
GSTRateIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
GSTAmount | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTAmountGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTAmountGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTAmountLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTAmountLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTAmountNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
GSTAmountBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
GSTAmountIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
GSTID | query | string | No | |
GSTIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTIDContains | query | string | No | |
GSTIDLike | query | string | No | |
GSTIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
GSTIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
JobCostID | query | string | No | |
JobCostIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
JobCostIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
JobCostIDContains | query | string | No | |
JobCostIDLike | query | string | No | |
JobCostIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
JobCostIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
CreditorID | query | string | No | |
CreditorIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
CreditorIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
CreditorIDContains | query | string | No | |
CreditorIDLike | query | string | No | |
CreditorIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
CreditorIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
FXRate | query | decimal? | No | |
FXRateGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
FXRateGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
FXRateLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
FXRateLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
FXRateNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
FXRateBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
FXRateIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
UnitCost | query | decimal? | No | |
UnitCostGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
UnitCostGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
UnitCostLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
UnitCostLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
UnitCostNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
UnitCostBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
UnitCostIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
Weight | query | decimal? | No | |
WeightGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
WeightGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
WeightLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
WeightLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
WeightNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
WeightBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
WeightIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
Volume | query | decimal? | No | |
VolumeGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
VolumeGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
VolumeLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
VolumeLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
VolumeNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
VolumeBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
VolumeIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
CurrencyID | query | string | No | |
CurrencyIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
CurrencyIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
CurrencyIDContains | query | string | No | |
CurrencyIDLike | query | string | No | |
CurrencyIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
CurrencyIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
PhysicalItem | query | bool? | No | |
FXOrderedCost | query | decimal? | No | |
FXOrderedCostGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
FXOrderedCostGreaterThan | query | decimal? | No | |
FXOrderedCostLessThan | query | decimal? | No | |
FXOrderedCostLessThanOrEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
FXOrderedCostNotEqualTo | query | decimal? | No | |
FXOrderedCostBetween | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
FXOrderedCostIn | query | Nullable<Decimal>[] | No | |
RowHash | query | byte[] | No | |
ItemNo | query | int? | No | |
ItemNoGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | int? | No | |
ItemNoGreaterThan | query | int? | No | |
ItemNoLessThan | query | int? | No | |
ItemNoLessThanOrEqualTo | query | int? | No | |
ItemNoNotEqualTo | query | int? | No | |
ItemNoBetween | query | int[] | No | |
ItemNoIn | query | int[] | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Skip | form | int? | No | |
Take | form | int? | No | |
OrderBy | form | string | No | |
OrderByDesc | form | string | No | |
Include | form | string | No | |
Fields | form | string | No | |
Meta | form | Dictionary<string, string> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
BookInLineID | form | string | No | |
BookInID | form | string | No | |
PartNo | form | string | No | |
InventoryID | form | string | No | |
Quantity | form | decimal? | No | |
ShipmentLineID | form | string | No | |
UseSerialNo | form | bool | No | |
UseExpiry | form | bool | No | |
DecimalPlaces | form | short? | No | |
POClassID | form | string | No | |
DeliveryDays | form | short? | No | |
Description | form | string | No | |
OrderUnits | form | decimal? | No | |
ClassificationID | form | string | No | |
SupplierPartNo | form | string | No | |
OrderedCost | form | decimal? | No | |
GSTRate | form | decimal? | No | |
GSTAmount | form | decimal? | No | |
GSTID | form | string | No | |
JobCostID | form | string | No | |
CreditorID | form | string | No | |
FXRate | form | decimal? | No | |
UnitCost | form | decimal? | No | |
Weight | form | decimal? | No | |
Volume | form | decimal? | No | |
CurrencyID | form | string | No | |
PhysicalItem | form | bool | No | |
FXOrderedCost | form | decimal? | No | |
RowHash | form | byte[] | No | |
ItemNo | form | int | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Offset | form | int | No | |
Total | form | int | No | |
Results | form | List<T> | No | |
Meta | form | Dictionary<string, string> | No | |
ResponseStatus | form | ResponseStatus | No |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /xml/reply/SH_BookInLinesQuery HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: length
<SH_BookInLinesQuery xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
<Fields xmlns="">String</Fields>
<Include xmlns="">String</Include>
<Meta xmlns:d2p1="" xmlns="">
<OrderBy xmlns="">String</OrderBy>
<OrderByDesc xmlns="">String</OrderByDesc>
<Skip xmlns="">0</Skip>
<Take xmlns="">0</Take>
<BookInIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<BookInIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<BookInLineIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<BookInLineIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<ClassificationIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<ClassificationIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<CreditorIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<CreditorIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<CurrencyIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<CurrencyIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<DecimalPlacesBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<DecimalPlacesIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<DeliveryDaysBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<DeliveryDaysIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<DescriptionBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<DescriptionIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<FXOrderedCostBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<FXOrderedCostIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<FXRateBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<FXRateIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<GSTAmountBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<GSTAmountIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<GSTIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<GSTIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<GSTRateBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<GSTRateIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<InventoryIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<InventoryIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<ItemNoBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<ItemNoIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<JobCostIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<JobCostIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<OrderUnitsBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<OrderUnitsIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<OrderedCostBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<OrderedCostIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<POClassIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<POClassIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<PartNoBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<PartNoIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<QuantityBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<QuantityIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<ShipmentLineIDBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<ShipmentLineIDIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<SupplierPartNoBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<SupplierPartNoIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<UnitCostBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<UnitCostIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<VolumeBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<VolumeIn xmlns:d2p1="">
<WeightBetween xmlns:d2p1="">
<WeightIn xmlns:d2p1="">
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: length <QueryResponseOfSH_BookInLines7kRqkrSv xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Offset>0</Offset> <Total>0</Total> <Results xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:SH_BookInLines> <d2p1:_x003C_BookInID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_BookInID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_BookInLineID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_BookInLineID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_ClassificationID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_ClassificationID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_CreditorID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_CreditorID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_CurrencyID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_CurrencyID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_DecimalPlaces_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_DecimalPlaces_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_DeliveryDays_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_DeliveryDays_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_Description_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_Description_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_FXOrderedCost_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_FXOrderedCost_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_FXRate_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_FXRate_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_GSTAmount_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_GSTAmount_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_GSTID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_GSTID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_GSTRate_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_GSTRate_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_InventoryID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_InventoryID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_ItemNo_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_ItemNo_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_JobCostID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_JobCostID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_OrderUnits_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_OrderUnits_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_OrderedCost_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_OrderedCost_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_POClassID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_POClassID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_PartNo_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_PartNo_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_PhysicalItem_x003E_k__BackingField>false</d2p1:_x003C_PhysicalItem_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_Quantity_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_Quantity_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_RowHash_x003E_k__BackingField>AA==</d2p1:_x003C_RowHash_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_ShipmentLineID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_ShipmentLineID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_SupplierPartNo_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_SupplierPartNo_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_UnitCost_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_UnitCost_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_UseExpiry_x003E_k__BackingField>false</d2p1:_x003C_UseExpiry_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_UseSerialNo_x003E_k__BackingField>false</d2p1:_x003C_UseSerialNo_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_Volume_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_Volume_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_Weight_x003E_k__BackingField>0</d2p1:_x003C_Weight_x003E_k__BackingField> </d2p1:SH_BookInLines> </Results> <Meta xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d2p1:Key>String</d2p1:Key> <d2p1:Value>String</d2p1:Value> </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </Meta> <ResponseStatus> <ErrorCode>String</ErrorCode> <Message>String</Message> <StackTrace>String</StackTrace> <Errors> <ResponseError> <ErrorCode>String</ErrorCode> <FieldName>String</FieldName> <Message>String</Message> <Meta xmlns:d5p1=""> <d5p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d5p1:Key>String</d5p1:Key> <d5p1:Value>String</d5p1:Value> </d5p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </Meta> </ResponseError> </Errors> <Meta xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d3p1:Key>String</d3p1:Key> <d3p1:Value>String</d3p1:Value> </d3p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </Meta> </ResponseStatus> </QueryResponseOfSH_BookInLines7kRqkrSv>