GET | /Queries/IN_Classification | Retrieves a list of inventory classifications. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
InventoryClassificationID | query | string | No | |
InventoryClassificationIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
InventoryClassificationIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
InventoryClassificationIDContains | query | string | No | |
InventoryClassificationIDLike | query | string | No | |
InventoryClassificationIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
InventoryClassificationIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
Description | query | string | No | |
DescriptionStartsWith | query | string | No | |
DescriptionEndsWith | query | string | No | |
DescriptionContains | query | string | No | |
DescriptionLike | query | string | No | |
DescriptionBetween | query | string[] | No | |
DescriptionIn | query | string[] | No | |
LastSavedDateTime | query | DateTime? | No | |
LastSavedDateTimeGreaterThanOrEqualTo | query | DateTime? | No | |
LastSavedDateTimeGreaterThan | query | DateTime? | No | |
LastSavedDateTimeLessThan | query | DateTime? | No | |
LastSavedDateTimeLessThanOrEqualTo | query | DateTime? | No | |
LastSavedDateTimeNotEqualTo | query | DateTime? | No | |
LastSavedDateTimeBetween | query | Nullable<DateTime>[] | No | |
LastSavedDateTimeIn | query | Nullable<DateTime>[] | No | |
LedgerInvValue | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvValueStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvValueEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvValueContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvValueLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvValueBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerInvValueIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerMovement_COG | query | string | No | |
LedgerMovement_COGStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerMovement_COGEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerMovement_COGContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerMovement_COGLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerMovement_COGBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerMovement_COGIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerExpAsset | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpAssetStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpAssetEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpAssetContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpAssetLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpAssetBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerExpAssetIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerExpLiab | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpLiabStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpLiabEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpLiabContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpLiabLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerExpLiabBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerExpLiabIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerDelAsset | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelAssetStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelAssetEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelAssetContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelAssetLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelAssetBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerDelAssetIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerDelLiab | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelLiabStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelLiabEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelLiabContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelLiabLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerDelLiabBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerDelLiabIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerAssignedValue | query | string | No | |
LedgerAssignedValueStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerAssignedValueEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerAssignedValueContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerAssignedValueLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerAssignedValueBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerAssignedValueIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerCogVariance | query | string | No | |
LedgerCogVarianceStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerCogVarianceEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerCogVarianceContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerCogVarianceLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerCogVarianceBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerCogVarianceIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerInvSales | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvSalesStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvSalesEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvSalesContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvSalesLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerInvSalesBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerInvSalesIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerAccumulator | query | string | No | |
LedgerAccumulatorStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerAccumulatorEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerAccumulatorContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerAccumulatorLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerAccumulatorBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerAccumulatorIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerPurchases | query | string | No | |
LedgerPurchasesStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerPurchasesEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerPurchasesContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerPurchasesLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerPurchasesBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerPurchasesIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerShipComplete | query | string | No | |
LedgerShipCompleteStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerShipCompleteEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerShipCompleteContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerShipCompleteLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerShipCompleteBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerShipCompleteIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerWriteOn | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOnStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOnEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOnContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOnLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOnBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerWriteOnIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerWriteOff | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOffStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOffEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOffContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOffLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOffBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerWriteOffIn | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerCostPriceAdj | query | string | No | |
LedgerCostPriceAdjStartsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerCostPriceAdjEndsWith | query | string | No | |
LedgerCostPriceAdjContains | query | string | No | |
LedgerCostPriceAdjLike | query | string | No | |
LedgerCostPriceAdjBetween | query | string[] | No | |
LedgerCostPriceAdjIn | query | string[] | No | |
GSTInwardsID | query | string | No | |
GSTInwardsIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTInwardsIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTInwardsIDContains | query | string | No | |
GSTInwardsIDLike | query | string | No | |
GSTInwardsIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
GSTInwardsIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
GSTOutwardsID | query | string | No | |
GSTOutwardsIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTOutwardsIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTOutwardsIDContains | query | string | No | |
GSTOutwardsIDLike | query | string | No | |
GSTOutwardsIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
GSTOutwardsIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsINID | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsINIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsINIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsINIDContains | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsINIDLike | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsINIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsINIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsOUTID | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsOUTIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsOUTIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsOUTIDContains | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsOUTIDLike | query | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsOUTIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsOUTIDIn | query | string[] | No | |
WebEnabled | query | bool? | No | |
DefaultClassification | query | bool? | No | |
PricingGroupID | query | string | No | |
PricingGroupIDStartsWith | query | string | No | |
PricingGroupIDEndsWith | query | string | No | |
PricingGroupIDContains | query | string | No | |
PricingGroupIDLike | query | string | No | |
PricingGroupIDBetween | query | string[] | No | |
PricingGroupIDIn | query | string[] | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Skip | form | int? | No | |
Take | form | int? | No | |
OrderBy | form | string | No | |
OrderByDesc | form | string | No | |
Include | form | string | No | |
Fields | form | string | No | |
Meta | form | Dictionary<string, string> | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
InventoryClassificationID | form | string | No | |
Description | form | string | No | |
LastSavedDateTime | form | DateTime? | No | |
LedgerInvValue | form | string | No | |
LedgerMovement_COG | form | string | No | |
LedgerExpAsset | form | string | No | |
LedgerExpLiab | form | string | No | |
LedgerDelAsset | form | string | No | |
LedgerDelLiab | form | string | No | |
LedgerAssignedValue | form | string | No | |
LedgerCogVariance | form | string | No | |
LedgerInvSales | form | string | No | |
LedgerAccumulator | form | string | No | |
LedgerPurchases | form | string | No | |
LedgerShipComplete | form | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOn | form | string | No | |
LedgerWriteOff | form | string | No | |
LedgerCostPriceAdj | form | string | No | |
GSTInwardsID | form | string | No | |
GSTOutwardsID | form | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsINID | form | string | No | |
GSTAdjustmentsOUTID | form | string | No | |
WebEnabled | form | bool | No | |
DefaultClassification | form | bool? | No | |
PricingGroupID | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Offset | form | int | No | |
Total | form | int | No | |
Results | form | List<T> | No | |
Meta | form | Dictionary<string, string> | No | |
ResponseStatus | form | ResponseStatus | No |
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .xml suffix or ?format=xml
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
GET /Queries/IN_Classification HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/xml
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml Content-Length: length <QueryResponseOfIN_Classification7kRqkrSv xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Offset>0</Offset> <Total>0</Total> <Results xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:IN_Classification> <d2p1:_x003C_DefaultClassification_x003E_k__BackingField>false</d2p1:_x003C_DefaultClassification_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_Description_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_Description_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_GSTAdjustmentsINID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_GSTAdjustmentsINID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_GSTAdjustmentsOUTID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_GSTAdjustmentsOUTID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_GSTInwardsID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_GSTInwardsID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_GSTOutwardsID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_GSTOutwardsID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_InventoryClassificationID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_InventoryClassificationID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LastSavedDateTime_x003E_k__BackingField>0001-01-01T00:00:00</d2p1:_x003C_LastSavedDateTime_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerAccumulator_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerAccumulator_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerAssignedValue_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerAssignedValue_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerCogVariance_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerCogVariance_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerCostPriceAdj_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerCostPriceAdj_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerDelAsset_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerDelAsset_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerDelLiab_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerDelLiab_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerExpAsset_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerExpAsset_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerExpLiab_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerExpLiab_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerInvSales_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerInvSales_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerInvValue_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerInvValue_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerMovement_COG_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerMovement_COG_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerPurchases_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerPurchases_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerShipComplete_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerShipComplete_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerWriteOff_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerWriteOff_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_LedgerWriteOn_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_LedgerWriteOn_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_PricingGroupID_x003E_k__BackingField>String</d2p1:_x003C_PricingGroupID_x003E_k__BackingField> <d2p1:_x003C_WebEnabled_x003E_k__BackingField>false</d2p1:_x003C_WebEnabled_x003E_k__BackingField> </d2p1:IN_Classification> </Results> <Meta xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d2p1:Key>String</d2p1:Key> <d2p1:Value>String</d2p1:Value> </d2p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </Meta> <ResponseStatus> <ErrorCode>String</ErrorCode> <Message>String</Message> <StackTrace>String</StackTrace> <Errors> <ResponseError> <ErrorCode>String</ErrorCode> <FieldName>String</FieldName> <Message>String</Message> <Meta xmlns:d5p1=""> <d5p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d5p1:Key>String</d5p1:Key> <d5p1:Value>String</d5p1:Value> </d5p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </Meta> </ResponseError> </Errors> <Meta xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> <d3p1:Key>String</d3p1:Key> <d3p1:Value>String</d3p1:Value> </d3p1:KeyValueOfstringstring> </Meta> </ResponseStatus> </QueryResponseOfIN_Classification7kRqkrSv>