POST | /SalesQuotes/{QuoteID}/MakeOrderB2B | Makes a back to back sales order from a quote. |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
QuoteID | path | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
Type | form | string | No | |
SystemSettings | form | SalesQuoteSettings | No | |
LastSavedDateTime | form | DateTime? | No | |
QuoteID | form | string | No | |
QuoteNo | form | string | No | |
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StaffUserName | form | string | No | |
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StaffSurname | form | string | No | |
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InitiatedDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
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Documents | form | List<Document> | No | |
Lines | form | List<SalesQuoteLine> | No | |
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JobCosting | form | SalesQuoteJobCosting | No |
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IgnoreBackOrderAllocations | form | bool? | No | |
UsePicking | form | bool? | No | |
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AutoKitPricing | form | bool? | No | |
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DocketNumHeader | form | string | No | |
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BuildPaymentReferenceFromDebtor | form | bool? | No | |
QuoteNoDescription | form | string | No | |
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UseDirectTaxIfSellPriceIncTax | form | bool? | No | |
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SettingID | form | string | No | |
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PluginID | form | string | No | |
PluginName | form | string | No |
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NoteID | form | string | No | |
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LastModifiedByStaffUsername | form | string | No | |
LastModifiedByStaffTitle | form | string | No | |
LastModifiedByStaffFirstName | form | string | No | |
LastModifiedByStaffSurname | form | string | No | |
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QuoteLineID | form | string | No | |
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PartNo | form | string | No | |
Description | form | string | No | |
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PriceIncGst | form | decimal? | No | |
DiscountedPrice | form | decimal? | No | |
TaxToCharge | form | decimal? | No | |
TaxRate | form | decimal? | No | |
UnitCost | form | decimal? | No | |
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DiscountedPercentage | form | decimal? | No | |
DiscountGiven | form | decimal? | No | |
QuantityDecimalPlaces | form | decimal? | No | |
QuantityOriginalOrdered | form | decimal? | No | |
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CustomFieldValues | form | List<CustomFieldValue> | No | |
KitLineType | form | SalesQuoteKitLineTypesEnum? | No | |
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QuoteHistoryID | form | string | No | |
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CartageCharge2 | form | CartageCharge | No | |
CartageCharge3 | form | CartageCharge | No | |
OpportunityStatusReason | form | OpportunityStatusReason | No | |
Ref | form | string | No | |
LastModifiedBy | form | string | No | |
HistoryTotal | form | decimal? | No | |
RecordDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
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DocketPrinted | form | bool? | No | |
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DelAddress4 | form | string | No | |
PostCode | form | string | No | |
DeliveryAddressCountry | form | string | No | |
Notes | form | string | No | |
CourierDetails | form | string | No | |
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FreightForwardAddress4 | form | string | No | |
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FreightForwardNotes | form | string | No | |
InvoicePrinted | form | bool? | No | |
DelContactName | form | string | No | |
ExpectedCloseDate | form | DateTime? | No | |
OpportunityStatus | form | StatusTypes? | No | |
OpportunityNote | form | string | No | |
InvoiceEmailed | form | bool? | No | |
DropShipment | form | bool? | No | |
DeliveryAddressee | form | string | No |
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SalesStageID | form | string | No | |
LastSavedDateTime | form | DateTime? | No | |
ItemNo | form | int? | No | |
Description | form | string | No | |
PercentComplete | form | short? | No | |
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ExTaxAmount | form | decimal? | No | |
TaxAmount | form | decimal? | No | |
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RecID | form | string | No | |
TaxID | form | string | No | |
Description | form | string | No | |
GSTTaxGroup | form | TaxRateTypes? | No | |
Rate | form | decimal? | No | |
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IsEnabled | form | bool? | No | |
LedgerAccount | form | Account | No |
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LedgerID | form | string | No | |
AccountNo | form | string | No | |
Description | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
OpportunityStatusReasonID | form | string | No | |
Description | form | string | No | |
Note | form | string | No | |
StatusType | form | StatusTypes? | No |
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Name | form | string | No | |
Company | form | string | No | |
Address1 | form | string | No | |
Address2 | form | string | No | |
Address3 | form | string | No | |
Address4 | form | string | No | |
PostCode | form | string | No | |
Phone | form | string | No | |
Fax | form | string | No | |
ContactName | form | string | No |
Name | Parameter | Data Type | Required | Description |
GSTApplicable | form | bool? | No | |
JobCostID | form | string | No | |
JobCostNo | form | string | No | |
Description | form | string | No |
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